Terms of Service

For everyone

  1. For the purpose of this document, "the network" ("the DiVE network", etcetera) is defined as the collection of the following components: DiVE itself, game servers hosted together with DiVE, third-party servers connected to DiVE, infrastructure components used to monitor/provide services to any server relating to the network, and any VPN/network infrastructure utilized by any of the aforementioned components.
  2. For the purposes of this document, "usage" ("using", "used", etcetera) of the network is defined as creating an account at a cabinet, registering that account on the web, or otherwise communicating (either directly or indirectly) with any server which forms part of the DiVE network. This includes both accessing DiVE itself, and accessing any server connected to DiVE. Playing on any cabinet connected to DiVE should be considered an example of "indirect" communication.
  3. By using the DiVE network, you acknowledge that it is provided “as is”, without warranty or guarantee of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement. In absolutely no event shall the DiVE network or any individual member thereof liable for any claim, damages, or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of, or in connection with the network.
  4. We do not take responsibility for the availability, uptime, stability, consistency, or security of third-party servers utilizing DiVE.
  5. Access to the DiVE network is a Privilege, not a Right
    1. We provide no guarantee or warranty regarding availability, uptime, stability, or consistency of the network. We reserve the right to revoke partial or full access at any time, for any reason.
  6. Attacks & Reverse Engineering Strictly Prohibited
    1. All persons using the network are not permitted to attempt / enact, or allow or encourage any party to attempt / enact, any kind of attack on the network, including but not limited to:
      • Denial of Service
      • packet tampering
      • proxying
      • network snooping
      • VPN network snooping
      • memory editing
    2. on any traffic between a location's Cabinets and the Server (including between a location's Cabinets and its VPN gateway), upon any Cabinets, upon any server related to the network, or upon the VPN gateway.
  7. Not an exhaustive list of rules
    • Further to Term 5.i, we reserve the right to alter the list of rules, enact penalties, or expel parties from the network at our own discretion.

For locations

  1. Data and Information Secrecy
    • Location owners, key / credential holders, and persons otherwise associated with a location, are not permitted to share any information regarding connection details (including VPN Certificates / Keys / Parameters and PCBIDs / Hardware IDs) or detailed technical information (including source code) with any other party than operators of the DiVE network, except when explicitly permitted by a DiVE network operator.
  2. Attacks & Reverse Engineering Strictly Prohibited
    • Location owners and persons otherwise associated with a location are not permitted to attempt / enact, or allow or encourage any party to attempt / enact, any kind of attack, as described at Term 6.1.
  3. Modifications Prohibited except where explicitly allowed
    • Location owners, key / credential holders, and persons otherwise associated with a location are not permitted to modify the data running on any cabinet for the purposes of running outside the original specifications of that software, unless explicitly authorized by DiVE network operators.

For API Client Authors

An "API Client Author" is any person or entity which creates an "API Client" on our service.
  1. Scraping is Not Allowed
    1. Scraping any part of any server relating to the DiVE network which is not designated as an API endpoint is not permitted under any circumstances. If you would like clarification on whether what you're doing is allowable, please contact us. We are more than happy to add extra functionality to the API if you need it; again, please get in touch!
    2. Using API endpoints for the purpose of competing with or bypassing restrictions put in place by the DiVE network is considered abuse, and is treated as per 6.1.
    3. 11.1 should be read in addition to those restrictions at 6.1.
  2. Applications should be Scoped Appropriately
    An Application must only request oauth scopes which are required for it to perform its function.
  3. Secrecy of Access Keys is the responsibility of the application owner
    If you have any suspicion that an Application Secret's secrecy has been compromised, it must be revoked and reissued as soon as reasonably practicable. Further, if you have any concern that a Secret has been used by a third party, this must also be reported to a member of the Team as soon as reasonably practicable. We won't be mad; we just need to know!

Privacy Policy

We care about your privacy. Frankly, the less we know about you the better for the both of us. Good software engineering practice prescribes collecting only the data you need, as it is both good for the user to avoid abuse and for the creator in the case of a data breach. We collect the bare minimum we need to operate the service. This includes certain information such as IP address which may persist in engineering logs for a month - this is used to defend the service against bad actors.

DiVE is common system for handling repetitive aspects of arcade servers. Please note that while many arcade servers may use DiVE to handle cards and accounts, they may be ran by separate individuals.

Using a DiVE-connected game

When you use an game connected to DiVE, we store information about the card you used, what games it has been used for, and in some cases at what arcade it was last used. For game servers ran by third-party collaborators, this is all we know. For games we provide service for ourselves, we also collect highscores and other data submitted by the game. Even so, you are still an anonymous card ID/profile ID combination unless you register on the DiVE website with your Discord account or use personally identifiable information for your game profile name.

In the future, DiVE may offer cabinet owners a method for viewing bookkeeping data reported by the respective games in one place. In this case, we may store anonymized or de-anonymized statistics regarding time and amount of plays for each player.

Using the DiVE website

When using the DiVE website, we use cookies to remember you between page visits. This allows you to log in. We do not use any third party tracking or analytics services. We don't have any commercial interests whatsoever by design, as our aim is to not act as competition to official services. Metrics are therefore mostly useless to us.

Using the website of a third-party game connected to DiVE

When logging in with DiVE to visit the webpage of a game server (for the sake of changing settings, f.ex), some information about your profile is shared with the game server. If you log in with Discord, your Discord identity is not shared.

Please note that third party games have their own privacy policies. We can in some cases help you get in touch with third-party server operators in the case of questions/demands.

Contact & Communication

Users contacting this website and/or its owners do so at their own discretion and provide any such personal details requested at their own risk. Your personal information is kept private and stored securely until a time it is no longer required or has no use, as detailed in the Data Protection Act 1998. We only ever use the email address you have provided for important service updates (such as password changes), and we promise not to send you any spam or newsletters unless you explicitly opt in to them.


You have a right to be forgotten. If you would like us to remove all your data, please contact us.

Most of this data is readily available on the website. If this is not sufficient, you do have a right to a copy of all the information we have on you. Contact us for a copy.